Pictures coming soon once everything that needs paint is painted and set.
I did get a new plate carrier. I got the Grey Ghost Gear minimalist plate carrier. This PC is far more comfortable than my old PC. I am looking into a UW Gear chest rig to kind of layer my gear. My hope is that this approach will balance my load out. UW Gear is right in my backyard making high quality lightweight gear. I think their design is genius because of its simplicity. I don't own any of their gear. You don't need to own it to know it's high quality. Just look at it. I really dig the Swamp Fox rig!
If you're a gun guy/girl/whatever, and have ever heard of YouTube, you've probably seen the MAC (Military Arms Channel). He did a review on the UW Gear Bandoleer (I want one of those, too)
Check it out!
I've had the opportunity to meet these guys. They're good people with good knowledge and a drive to equip the prepared citizen with gear that meets their needs.
If this sounds like an advertisement so be it.
I guess this was my way of saying that it looks like I have some more gear to buy.
- JL
Freedom has no compromise. By definition it is absolute.