Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bracken's New Essay - Tet, Take Two – Islam’s 2016 European Offensive

It's been a while, y'all.  For that I apologize.

"Radical Islam is the pure Islam, the Koranic Islam, the real Islam.

Anyone who does not understand this bitter reality is dangerously ignorant of the past 1,400 years of human history."

What is vitally important in understanding Islam is an understanding of its theology. While most people don't want to talk about religious ideas or theologies, it is vital in understanding the thought process of Islam. 

Islam is a place that allows the depravity of man to be exalted and used as a tool for global conquest. That's why rape, murder, torture, etc. are acceptable in Islam. Could you imagine what would happen if Christians (or Jews for that matter) stormed abortion clinics or public schools and systematically murdered and raped women and children and beheaded the men? What if it happened everyday for 1,400 years? 

You see, Islam doesn't just tolerate these depraved acts - it approves them as SOP for the faithful. The theology of Islam is not a divine one. The theology of Islam is based in the depravity of man in hopes of gaining the world to subjugate all those considered to be kafirs or unbelievers. 

Make no mistake - Islam is not a religion. It is a political system, ideology and worldview that masquerading as a religion to deceive those who might be tolerant of others' beliefs in order to create a global caliphate.  

The theology of Islam is one of submission - after all, Islam means submission, right? - not for Muslims but for the kafirs, the unbelievers. All unbelievers will submit to Islam either by law or by force (one and the same, perhaps?).  When you boil Islam down to its core all you have is submission to Islam by force. 

Compare the theology of Islam with the theology of Christianity. Christianity commands not murder or conquest but repentance from sins.  The Gospel presented in the Bible is simple. Repent and believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. Our sin separates us from God and apart from Christ, we have no hope. This theology is not one of force but one of grace and mercy - two elements missing from Islam, btw.
(as a note - I am not lumping Catholicism and Christianity into the same lot as many do. They are quite different in regards to their theology and therefore cannot be linked under the umbrella of Christianity.)

That's all i have time for today, kids. Just some thoughts that have weighed heavily on me of late. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Supreme Court Rules Cops Can't Hold Suspects to Wait for Dog

Finally, a ruling that will possibly put a damper on the violations of our rights perpetuated not only by the "war on drugs" but the "war on fill-in-the-blank".

The use of drugs dogs during a traffic stop to initiate probable cause and therefore a "lawful" search and seizure - in the minds of the police, not that the law matters anyhow but for the sake of paperwork - has got to be one of the most egregious of law enforcement tactics.

Thankfully, in a 6-3 ruling, the SC has decided that cops can't hold you for even ten minutes while they wait on drug dogs to show. You can read the rest of the article here:


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sugar Pine Mine - Update

"A land grab pure and simple". Those are the words used by mine owner Rick Barclay in a recent interview.

I have little hope that the courts and judges will actually work in favor of the common man, especially one that is asserting his right. I wouldn't be surprised if the BLM has a list of properties they will try to confiscate. Bundy Ranch was the first one (that I know of) to receive an armed response from the citizenry. I believe Sugar Pine Mine will be the second one. Guys like the HossUSMC and Oath Keepers are on alert still and have not deployed to the mine just yet.

And surprise surprise surprise, an officer of the Constitution, otherwise known as a sheriff's deputy, who made contact with Mr. Barclay said "I have a problem with the Constitution." Straight off the bat I know that type of cop would have gladly beat Mr. Barclay with a baton with 9 of his buddies until Mr Barclay "stopped resisting, er, breathing, living." This officer has no respect for the rights of the people he should be protecting from the federal land grabbers. I guess the local PD likes the teet of  federal government too, right?

Big H/T to HossUSMC again for keeping up with this situation. Keep a watch on this. Don't forget what happened at Ruby Ridge when federal thugs murdered a man's family over a mistake the feds made in the first place. You can see the interview below.


Freedom has no compromise, it is absolute!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Galice Mining District

Looks like the BLM is up to it again - this time in Oregon.

H/T to the HossUSMC's blog for factual information. Oath Keepers and the state militias have been alerted and told to stand by and be ready.

Check it out the rest here.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

New Videos from Max Velocity - in Texas?

Max has recently been teaching some classes in Texas based in vehicles and on foot. If you don't subscribe to his YouTube channel, shame on you. There is some great stuff on there - especially the last few days. Do yourself a favor, take a look at his YouTube channel, subscribe to it. Check out his website here: Max Velocity Tactical Training. Get yourself some training with Max.

Only you are stopping yourself.

Here are some of the recent videos:

Mobility: Quick Reaction Force Scenario

"Contact Right!"

"Fight Through"

Monday, February 9, 2015

Olympia, Washington

Much like the events that have taken place in Connecticut, Washington state has become a new battleground for gun rights. I am not going to get into the specifics of I-594. Just know any type of new legislation on firearms is aimed at restricting and eventually eradicating our codified right to keep and bear arms. Mike Vanderboegh (Sipsey Street Irregulars), a founder of the III% movement, gave a speech that is well worth the time. Below is the video of his speech.

Monday, January 12, 2015


This is not good.

This is pretty fast breaking news. Go here to see what all ISIS or ISIS sympathizers have released.  Airstrike scenarios against for attacks against N Korea and CHina have been released. I am sure every nation has these scenarios but theirs have not been released. All of this during Obama's cyber security speech.


