Saturday, February 21, 2015

New Videos from Max Velocity - in Texas?

Max has recently been teaching some classes in Texas based in vehicles and on foot. If you don't subscribe to his YouTube channel, shame on you. There is some great stuff on there - especially the last few days. Do yourself a favor, take a look at his YouTube channel, subscribe to it. Check out his website here: Max Velocity Tactical Training. Get yourself some training with Max.

Only you are stopping yourself.

Here are some of the recent videos:

Mobility: Quick Reaction Force Scenario

"Contact Right!"

"Fight Through"

Monday, February 9, 2015

Olympia, Washington

Much like the events that have taken place in Connecticut, Washington state has become a new battleground for gun rights. I am not going to get into the specifics of I-594. Just know any type of new legislation on firearms is aimed at restricting and eventually eradicating our codified right to keep and bear arms. Mike Vanderboegh (Sipsey Street Irregulars), a founder of the III% movement, gave a speech that is well worth the time. Below is the video of his speech.