Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Resistance Against Tyranny

This may be late but whatever. Here it is.

Lavoy Finnicum is dead. I don't know the guy. Never met him and never will. Does his death/assassination/murder sound the alarm to grab our guns and start fighting? Maybe, but I don't think so. 

The FBI was set on making an example out of someone. I'm not going to get into what happened and how it happened the day he was killed - that is public knowledge and can be found anywhere across the interwebs.

Finnicum's death was an unnecessary one not only on the FBI's part but also on the Bundy side. Each group shares the blame in his death. The FBI gets a good portion of it for their obvious ambush and the Bundy group for being absolute morons. They literally had no chance of success from the outset. It made literally zero sense for them to occupy that site. I firmly believe had they been allowed to occupy some private property from which to state their case they would have been allowed to leave peacefully. That is until the FBI raided their homes to get back at them for the Bundy Ranch standoff, of course. That's a different post. 

The leadership as well as the Bundy group had no support locally BEFORE arriving to their site. That left them, basically, begging for an incident. Couple that with the fact that the guys carrying the guns looked like and probably were backwoods dorksticks with, probably, little to no squad based training and they wouldn't have stood a chance against the FBI. Guess who did have squad based training...

I'll wait for your guesses...

That's right, folks. The freaking FBI. While their focus may have been more SWAT/HRT style CQB oriented, it was something. And that's more than those clowns had. The FBI also had the support and blanket approval of their SugarDaddy, the government. Also, when you tell the police, any of them, that "You're gonna have to shoot me." They're gonna want to shoot you even more.

I digress.

Back to the topic at hand. 

This is not our Boston Massacre moment. This is not our Lexington and Concord Actually, I don't think the Finnicum instance is even close to that moment. 

This brings me to the article I wanted to share from Oath Keepers. It's a good article.  I encourage you to give it a read. 

"Oregon and the death of Finicum are not failures on the part of the liberty movement. They are failures on the part of Bundy and team, who refused to listen to scores of people with far more experience and knowledge in such situations; the same people who tried to help the occupiers adjust their tactics and offer them safer ground and safer footing. The failure in Oregon is what happens when amateurs, not just in training but in tactical philosophy, undertake a rebellion." - Brandon Smith

Freedom has no compromise, by definition it is absolute!