Tuesday, August 27, 2013

72 Types of Terrorists

Welcome to Baskin Robins.... which would you like? A scoop of militia or anti-big government? Alrighty then, you charge comes to a terrorist threat against the United States.

Many of you may have seen this post on Kerodin's site. But here it is nonetheless. It has to be shared.

Be ready - At all times.

Here it is. How did you fare on the watch list?


Founders to blame...Again?

It looks like the president just can't take the blame for anything. Surprise! He is now blaming the Founders for the second day in a row for not allowing him to be crowned king (Messiah, preferably).

Check it out here if you don't believe. If you're reading this post, or any other liberty minded post, you're well aware Obama wishes to be crowned lord and master of all.

If you are new to our community, begin preparing - quickly. If you have been preparing, get ready. It's coming.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Founder = Extremists??

Yes, the Pentagon did call the Founder's ideology, philosophy "extremism". That means only one thing; conservatives, Tea Partiers, preppers, libertarians, Patriots, Republic Defenders, etc will soon be labeled extremists too. Oh wait! That's already happened too. 

Here is the link to what the Pentagon said. 

Should we be surprised? Not necessarily. Perhaps we are to blame. After all, we do love this country. We want to see it thrive in a free market, be a leader in the world market. We are the ones who fly planes into buildings, commit mass shootings, bomb marathons in Boston, etc. Nope. Those who do those things are on the left - always. 

At any rate; our government has decided, since King Obama has been in office to equate conservative, liberty-loving individuals with "extremist" or "terrorist" groups any chance they get.  

We didn't start it and we didn't want it. But if they mean to have a war, let it come. 

It is necessary to note why the government is doing this. They are setting the stage for a scapegoat. When another attack happens by some muslims or left wing group, we will have been made the culprit. The media has tried to blame us numerous times for attacks. The Aurora Colorado shooter was thought to have been a Tea Party member in the beginning. Mark my words, something will happen. It could even be a "false flag" type of event coupled with media hysteria that leads to something so reasonable, at the time, as gun confiscation. The question being bantered back and forth after the Boston Marathon bombing was whether or not we needed more CCTV to track people or "intercept a threat" (have you seen Minority Report?). And of course the morons who want to feel "safe" were all for it; a majority of the population of this nation I suspect.

Mark my words. There's a storm coming.


Friday, August 23, 2013

The Culper Ring

The art of spycraft is nothing new. It has been around for thousands of years. One of the first times I read about spies was in the Bible. Moses sent spies in to what would become the Promised Land (Canaan). Read the account in Numbers 13 here. Many also know there was a spy ring during the American Revolution. It was known as the Culper Ring.

Here are some neat things I found about the ring:

The Culper Spy Ring was an American spy network operating during the War of American Independence that provided George Washington with information on British troop movements. In November 1778, George Washington appointed Major Benjamin Tallmadge as director of military intelligence, charged with creating a spy ring in New York City, the site of British headquarters.

This network became known as the Culper Spy Ring and operated successfully in and around New York City for five years, during which time no spy was ever unmasked. Indeed even Washington was ignorant of the spies' identities. Tallmadge's informants consisted of friends he made at school on Long Island, including Austin Roe, Caleb Brewster, Abraham Woodhull, and Anna Strong.

Though Woodhull was Tallmadge's chief agent, Robert Townsend was an important informant who posed as a Loyalist coffee-shop owner and merchant while working as a society journalist. As a reporter Townsend was able to obtain information from the British at society gatherings.

In order to safeguard the identity of his spies, Tallmadge utilized a number of protective measures. Tallmadge gave his informants pseudonyms and invented a numerical substitution system to identify his informants rather than use names. Seven hundred and sixty-three numbers were used, with 711 denoting General Washington, 745 representing England and 727 for New York. Tallmadge and his associates also wrote in invisible ink. (H/T)


During the Revolutionary War, Washington spent more than 10 percent of his military funds on intelligence activities. Two weeks after taking command of the Continental Army on 2 July 1775, he recorded his first expenditure for intelligence collection--$333 to an unidentified officer to travel to Boston and establish a network of agents to gather intelligence on enemy movements and intentions.
A year later, Washington established a unit known as Knowlton's Rangers, under the command of Lt. Col. Thomas Knowlton, to carry out reconnaissance and raids against British facilities. This unit was the first American military intelligence organization; the US Army has characterized it as a historical parent of the modern-day Army Rangers, Special Forces, and Delta Force. The ill-fated American spy Nathan Hale was recruited from this early Ranger force.

But it was Washington's adroitness as a manager of agents and his skillful use of their reporting that best commend him as the Founding Father of American collection of foreign intelligence. In addition to managing countless spies around British forces' locations, he ran numerous agent networks inside British-controlled New York City and Philadelphia. His operatives provided daily reporting on British troop movements and often were able to report on the plans and intentions of enemy commanders.
After the British seized control of New York City in autumn 1776, Washington directed the activities of numerous spies there. Of particular note was the Culper spy ring, which comprised about 20 people. This network, established in the summer of 1778, was managed by Major Benjamin Tallmadge of the 2nd Connecticut Light Dragoons, who operated from an outpost on the Hudson River above the city. The Culper ring was the most professional of Washington's agent networks. It used code names, secret writing, enciphered communications, couriers, dead drops, signal sites, and specific collection requirements.

The most important piece of intelligence obtained through the Culper ring came in July 1780. A network member known to this day only as "Lady" reported that British General Sir Henry Clinton had decided to send British troops by sea from New York City to Newport, Rhode Island, to attack newly arrived French forces under General Rochambeau. The French troops had been at sea for two months, and Clinton wanted to attack them before they recovered from the trip.

Washington received this intelligence on the afternoon of 21 July and immediately drew up plans for a fictitious attack on New York City. He then had the "plans" delivered to a British outpost by a local farmer, who claimed to have found them on a nearby road. In the meantime, Washington also marched his army toward New York City to provide further "evidence" that he was preparing to launch an attack there. Faced with what he thought were Washington's attack plans--which were even signed by the American leader--and the readily discernible American Army movement, Clinton concluded that an attack was imminent and recalled troops then at sea to strengthen the city's defenses. "Lady's" intelligence and Washington's deception scheme thus saved the ailing French troops from probable defeat and enabled them subsequently to join with the understrength American Army.

In addition to the Culper ring, Washington had numerous other agents reporting on enemy activities in New York City. Among them were James Rivington, a prominent Tory newspaper publisher; Joshua Mersereau, his son John, and another relative; Hercules Mulligan and his brother Hugh; Army Captains (and brothers) John and Baker Hendricks; and two former counterintelligence agents--Nathaniel Sackett and retired Army Capt. Elijah Hunter. The latter became close to both General Clinton and Royal Governor William Tryon.

Another American spy, 1st Lt. Lewis J. Castigin, operated in a manner that was similar in some ways to the modus operandi of modern-day defense attaches. The British captured Castigan in January 1777 and subsequently paroled him. He then went to New York City, where he was permitted to move around freely. Castigan reported to Washington and other American military leaders on what he observed concerning British military strength and positions. Through social activities with British officers, he was able to glean advance information on their campaign plans. Washington spoke highly of Castigin's reporting.

Washington also ran several agent networks in British-occupied Philadelphia. Major John Clark managed these networks, which used such names such as "old lady" and "farmer" to describe individual agents. Lydia Darragh, acting as a lone agent, had members of her family carry information to Washington. Her social position gave her access to senior British officers, and her elicitation skills resulted in reliable advance notice of British troop movements. An entry in Washington's official expense account, dated 18 June 1778, listed $6,170 spent for secret services in Philadelphia.

In addition, Washington utilized individuals as spies for single, specific missions. One such agent, John Honeyman, was personally recruited by Washington to report on enemy capabilities at Trenton, New Jersey. Honeyman, an Irish immigrant and a weaver by trade, had previously informed the American leader that he was willing to assist the Revolutionary cause. In autumn 1776, Washington asked Honeyman to move to New Brunswick, New Jersey. Honeyman did so, entered the cattle business there, and supplied meat to British forces in the area. Washington arranged for him to be publicly denounced as a British sympathizer.

In mid-November, Washington tasked Honeyman to report on British activities around Trenton. Through his business dealings with the British and the Hessians (British-employed mercenary soldiers from the Hesse region in what is now Germany), and by underscoring his service on the British side in the French and Indian War, Honeyman was able to develop close relationships with--and elicit intelligence information from--British officers in Trenton, including their commander.

In mid-December 1776, Washington directed American forces to seize Honeyman; the order was implemented on 22 December. The "arrest" enabled Washington to debrief Honeyman on enemy activities and intentions in the Trenton area without compromising the fact that he was an American agent. He was also given false information to pass to the British after his "escape" from the Americans.

Honeyman reported that British troops had been sent to New York City for the winter, leaving only Hessian forces in Trenton. He also noted that the Hessian commander, Col. Rall, was an arrogant individual, contemptuous of American forces. The commander was lax about defensive preparations, had not ordered his men to build fortifications, and had a serious drinking problem. Honeyman also provided a map showing all enemy locations around Trenton.

After his "escape", Honeyman told the Hessians that he had seen the American winter quarters and found no signs of any troop movements. Washington, acting on Honeyman's intelligence and having sown the seeds of deception through Honeyman's remarks to the Hessians about American inaction, moved his forces across the Delaware River on Christmas night and launched a surprise attack the next morning. The Hessians were hung over from their Christmas partying, had no time to organize, and were quickly forced to surrender. While a minor triumph in military terms, the victory at Trenton came at a critical time for the American side and was a strategic victory in political and morale terms--thanks in large part to excellent intelligence work. (H/T)

To me, it is simply amazing the lengths our founders went to in order to secure liberty. We should be willing to do the same. The Founders risked the lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to see our nation free of tyranny. Have we become the ones happy to let the chains of slavery rest comfortably on us? Would we even know what to do with true freedom; something we haven't had in this nation for at least 100 years. The time will come when we will have to stand. Will we shrink from duty? I surely hope not. 

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" - Patrick Henry


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Patrol your sector?!?

(H/T Battlefield USA)

This is the kind of crap that has to stop. One way or another, it will. Read the full article here. If many on PoliceOne don't like the book Radley Balko has written on the militarization of police , it must be a good one.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sheriff Joe Threatens Citizens

Sheriff Joe basically threatened private citizens who decide to protect their state from violent drug smugglers at the border where the police won't or can't.

Check out the full story here

How and when did it become "illegal" for citizens to "take the law into their own hands"? If private citizens do this today they're called "vigilantes". Bull squeeze they're vigilantes.

They are probably more qualified than LEOs to do that job.

Citizens should have every right to uphold the law as any LEO in the country. We can make citizen's arrests, right?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

We asked you to leave....

This is what tyranny looks like folks. It isn't always violent or in your face. It is mostly masquerading as "the law" in order to force you into submission. These LEOs are part of the problem. They can simply refuse to tell you what law you're breaking and still arrest you. Go figure. Doesn't sound at all like an illegal detention/arrest. <-- that's sarcasm. Of course it is unlawful. While the LEOs may chalk this one up as a win, they actually lost. With this even on film, they will look like complete douche bags, at least to us anyway.

Check out the video here and the original article here.

Take into consideration what Max wrote on the HIT teams. Does that same principal of resistance apply to these LEOs? Perhaps. That decision is up to you. I think the protestors actually did a good job in trying to appease the cops but it seems the cops were just chomping at the bit, waiting on a chance to arrest someone. 

About John Langdon

John Langdon is not my real name. Go figure. Why did I choose this name? It was really easy. I was looking through names of the signers of the Declaration and his stood out. It just looked cool. So before I took it as my own, I did some research.
It turns out JL was a pretty important guy. He played a key role in the beginnings of the American Revolution. 
Here is some cool stuff about JL that I wanted to share from an article on the New Hampshire website:

John Langdon is arguably the most important man inPortsmouth, New Hampshire history. An active patriot, he led America’s first revolutionary attack on a king’s fort at nearby New Castle in 1774, months before the battle at Lexington andConcord. He built the famous warship Raleigh, depicted on the state seal, and Ranger, captained by John Paul Jones. He served on the first Continental Congress and was New Hampshire’s first Speaker of the House during the Revolution. And Langdon was just warming up.
You know his stately white mansion on the corner of Pleasant and Court Streets. But have you ever gone inside? President George Washington did in 1789, and he called it the most eminent house in the city. I’m pretty certain it was Langdon who convinced Washington to take on Tobias Lear as his personal secretary. Lear was Langdon’s nephew and Tobias later married Washington’s niece, a pretty cozy arrangement. Lear’s semi-restored house is also a Portsmouth landmark.
By the time Washington visited those two Portsmouth homes in 1789, Langdon had served in the state Senate, been “President” of New Hampshire, and signed the United States Constitution. That is what he’s best known for. Langdon arrived late to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The state of New Hampshire, in its wisdom, had refused to support the cost of sending any delegates to Philadelphia, so Langdon paid the expenses out of pocket for himself and his fellow delegate Nicholas Gilman of Exeter. New Hampshire proudly became the ninth state to ratify the Constitution and make it official.
John Langdon became the first president pro tempore of the US Senate in 1789 and served two terms as the state’s governor. He turned down Thomas Jefferson’s offer to serve as Secretary of the Navy and declined the post of Vice President to President James Madison.
“There could scarcely be found in Portsmouth, not excepting the Governor himself,” historian Charles Brewster wrote of Siras, “one who dressed more elegantly or exhibited a more gentlemanly appearance.”
According to oral tradition passed on by Brewster, Siras wore gold chains and seals. He wore a broadcloth coat, “carefully plaited linen” clothes, ruffled shirts, silk stockings, and silver-buckled shoes. Siras received a salary, goods, and room and board in the Langdon mansion, built in 1784. Dressing Siras Bruce fashionably “in livery” certainly was a status symbol for Langdon, who seems to have preferred black domestic workers.
Slave-owning roots
I’ve taken the battered biography of John Langdon out of the library a few times, but I never actually read it. I took it out again this week. I had to check my facts. That’s because I got in trouble recently for calling John Langdon “another one of our white, slave-owning, founding fathers.”
“Correction,” said Peter Michaud, an historian and former site manager of the Langdon HouseMuseum operated by Historic New England. “There’s no evidence that Langdon actually owned slaves.”
“Then why is there a Langdon Slave Burying Ground?” I asked. It’s behind the church onLafayette Road (across from McDonald’s) alongside the Urban Forestry Center. It’s listed as #27 on the Portsmouth Black Heritage Trail. White members of the Langdon family were buried elsewhere.
That was John Langdon Sr., the father, I was told, an early local farmer. His family emigrated to the New Hampshire colony before 1660. The father ran what can only be called a northern “plantation” with enslaved African workers. Mayo’s biography and other patriotic accounts barely mention the topic of slavery and refer to Langdon’s father simply as a “respected” and “successful” farmer. In their book Black Portsmouth, historians Valerie Cunnigham and Mark Sammons document many members of the Langdon family buying and selling enslaved men, women, and children right up until the American Revolution.
John Jr., the son, was born into that slave system in 1741. Educated sporadically inPortsmouth schools, John spent at least a decade as a sea captain before settling into the mercantile trade as a successful businessman. I just assumed that Langdon kept enslaved Africans in his mansion, like so many other rich and famous Portsmouth families, including Declaration-signer William Whipple. Historians should not assume, but then what about Siras Bruce?
About Siras Bruce
Siras Bruce (Langdon spelled his name “Cyrus de Bruce”) was likely enslaved at some point. At least one historian claims he was sold out of New Jersey to John Langdon. No documents show that Siras Bruce was enslaved or freed here in New Hampshire. What we have instead are contracts, beginning in 1783, stating that he was a paid domestic servant of the Langdon family. Bruce was a handsome black man clearly of African origin, but not enslaved.
Displaying his economic and social status was important to Langdon and his wife Elizabeth Sherburne, who was 20 years younger than her husband. They married in 1777 when Langdon was 37. Having driven John Wentworth, the state’s last royal governor, out of the country two years earlier, Langdon was the political heir apparent of New Hampshire and he made no secret of his wealth and status. At his death in 1819, Langdon bequeathed a lump of cash to each of his household servants. He also paid for each servant to have a newly made black mourning outfit so they could bury him in style.
Langdon’s treatment of Silas Bruce as an employee rather than property, according to Black Portsmouth, is an indication that he disapproved of slavery, despite his family upbringing. I did not know that.
Being John Langdon
Nobody knows more about this unsung revolutionary than Tom Kehr. The Concord attorney became fascinated by Langdon’s story while serving at the US Coast Guard station in New Castle. The station is next door to the ruins of Fort Constitution (formerly Fort William & Mary) where Langdon and John Sullivan, forewarned by Paul Revere, led their famous patriot raid and stole the king’s guns and gunpowder. A history major and re-enactor, Kehr is more than a scholar. He is a tad obsessed. Now and then he dons an eighteenth century outfit and becomes John Langdon.
Kehr depicts Langdon as engaging and intelligent, but not a college man like so many of his contemporaries. He says Langdon was neither a great writer nor orator, and preferred one-on-one negotiating to public speaking.
“He was no John Sullivan,” Kehr says, “who would go off on anything. He [Langdon] was quieter. He was a sea captain,” Kehr notes, “just a fascinating guy. He was all about doing things, getting things done.”
Reading Langdon’s letters, Kehr says, shows that he was always in the thick of things – planning the revolution and rebuilding the government, building warships, joining the battle, making money, supporting revolutionary causes, and hanging out with the right people. He was generally well-liked, but made an enemy of John Paul Jones, who sullied Langdon’s reputation. Langdon also had detractors who were troubled that the governor came out of the Revolution as a wealthy man, thanks to privateering, but he never apologized for making money, Kehr says.
So why is John Langdon so little known as a founding father?
“That’s a tough one,” Kehr says. “I’ve never gotten that myself ...It’s incredible the way he just fades.”
Langdon’s letters, Kehr offers by way of explanation, are spread all over the place. Kehr has tracked them from the NH Historical Society to the Portsmouth Athenaeum, to the archives in Pennsylvania, and to the New York Public Library. There may be more revealing letters still out there, Kehr says, probably in private hands. The Langdon House in Portsmouth, meanwhile, has no Langdon collection to support the story of his life.

What is interesting is JL was a quiet man who got things done. We as Patriots don't necessarily have to be the loudest or most obscene in order to grab attention for our cause. We may simply just need to do in order to bring attention to our cause. That isn't to say we shouldn't discuss ideas, philosophies, etc. That is exactly what the Founders did. Only until the British forced them to fight did they fight. And they won.

Monday, August 19, 2013

A List of Grievances

What grievances do we as the Patriot community have against our government? I have found a list many of you are familiar with. It dates back to a time when men stood for what is right not only for himself but for his neighbor. A time when men pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor for the cause of liberty and freedom. Are we as Patriots willing to do the same?

We have seen corruption in our government. We have tolerated that corruption. We have even grown to expect corruption and are skeptical when we do not see it in a candidate. I'm sure you've heard the joke "Can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving!" We all laugh at that joke but is it because the joke is funny or because it's true? And if we laugh at the truth, what does that say about us? That's not to say we can't laugh at jokes about government, that's not my point. My point is, at what point do we take seriously the corrupt and unconstitutional way our government operates?

The Executive branch wields the power of law enforcement at the stroke of a pen. The Legislative branch taxes us without our consent. The Judicial branch has become an activist bunch; legislating what they think the Constitution should mean. It is this type of corruption that ought to be addressed. It should be addressed boldly. We cannot rely on Republicans to stand toe-to-toe with the Regime and it's media group. Republicans have shown too many times their willingness to compromise. When will they force Democrats to compromise with them? Perhaps if they grow a set but I won't count on that until members like John McCain and Lindsay Graham are out of a job. Until leaders like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, etc are in control of the Republican party, we will lose every election. Only when candidates worthy of our vote are presented should we vote republican. I deeply regret having voted for Romney. I did because I thought he couldn't be as bad as Obama. And honestly, he had great success in the private sector because he did whatever it took to make businesses successful once again. I was late to fully realize my Libertarian leanings. I, for a while, understood the Constitution and the Framer's original intent but never quite fell in line with the mainstream libertarianism.

I am all for the complete utilization, by the states, of the 10th Amendment. If states would simply understand their place as a level of protection between the citizens of the state and an all-powerful central government, our Nation would be more free. The problem our states have is they have for too long nursed on the teat of  government; suckling every dollar possible from the treasury. Our States are so worried about losing that money for infrastructure projects, education, whatever. Until they realize the folly of their ways, our state governments as a whole are on the list of grievances. I am very tempted to say let it all burn and we will clean off the ashes and start anew. That would be far easier than changing what we have.

So, this list of grievances. Below I have listed a few that many of you may think sound familiar. If you think you know where this list comes from, bravo. I am sincerely glad you know. I will post a link to the document I found them in, here.

Here is what my grievances are. Feel free to list your own in the comment section. Also feel free to exchange "He" with any member of government or government entity. Trying to keep this historically accurate ....

1. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures (Police/SWAT)
2. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power. (Police/SWAT)
3.He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws... (United Nations)
4.For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us (Police/SWAT)
5.For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States (Police/SWAT)

Sensing a trend yet?

6. For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent. - I never consented to an Income tax. Did you?  Shouldn't that come up for vote every year? Oh wait, it is part of the "law of the land". Just food for thought. Thanks Woodrow.
7.For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments (Fundamentally transform the US? Obama said it....)
8.For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. (I remember a President saying if Congress wouldn't act, he would.)

The list can go on and on. Not to mention the scandals.

 I'm tired of seeing my nation fall into disrepair. I'm tired of the liars, the crooks, the stupid, the morally bankrupt run this country further and further down. Should SHTF we, the Patriots, must not sink from duty but must rise and reclaim this once great Nation. Are you with us?

These are simply the ramblings of a fed up American, a Patriot.


NEW Max Velocity Tactical Logo

Go over to his site and check it out. Let Max know what you think. I think it looks pretty darn cool.

(H/T) Max Velocity Tactical: NEW Max Velocity Tactical Logo:


Friday, August 16, 2013

No-Knock Warrants

This article is very well written and demonstrates the current Police State in which we live. Give it a read and discuss it. Here it is. 

The idea of no-knock warrants has been widely discussed. Max has a couple fantastic pieces on the subject which you can read here and here.

There is a LEO who attends my church. I have discussed with him the idea of no-knock warrants and the dangers it poses to citizens, our rights and even police. We talked about what happens if they get the wrong address. He laughed, somewhat embarrassed, that his department had done that a few times. But he wouldn't give me a solution to what I should do if they come barging into my home in the middle of the night. The courts and LEAs have designed it to where the Constitution has been made WEAK in restricting law enforcement from violating our civil rights under Amendment 4. 

Use an example from any of the stories linked and put yourself in a no-knock situation. We are in a position in this society that at any given time we have broken a law. A friend of mine went to the Police Academy here in Florida and they actually told him the following "You can pull someone over if you see them run over a reflector when they're changing lanes. That's destruction of State property." The question is why is that a law/procedure? It all leads up to the stop.

Watch this great video from a lawyer giving a lecture. It's quite lengthy but well worth the time. Especially in the preservation of your civil liberty.

What ever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty" ? 

This video shows a LEO happy to arrest someone for observing the 4th Amendment that she was happy to violate if they would have let her. He asks for her warrant and his friend gets arrested because she felt "threatened" there may have been weapons on the other side of the door. 

Remember the "dehumanizing stare" that lead Miami police to beat down a 14 year-old? Here it is. These guys are cowards and bullies. One and the same. They ought to be purged from every department and thrown in jail for their crimes. 

Let's read the 4th Amendment together, shall we? 

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Seems fairly cut and dry, right? Obviously the states have been violating the Bill of Rights as well as the federal government. The job of the your state is to protect you from the federal government. See the 10th Amendment, here.

The question you need to ask yourself is whether or not your state should face the same consequences as the federal government when SHTF happens. 


Thursday, August 15, 2013

The War on Guns: Behold, a god who Bleeds

Check this out. A few dozen guys pushed this thing off a bridge. O-F-F a bridge.

The War on Guns: Behold, a god who Bleeds

II Amendment

When I was in college just a few months before I graduated, I decided to take a Constitutional Law class. I don't remember if it was an impulse to defend the Constitution in a left-leaning institution or just a curiosity to see how it was portrayed in said institution. 

The class by and large was simply a class on the evolution of court precedent and case law. As the class progressed, I realized what was actually happening. It was not some grand conspiracy or anything. It was the idea that the Constitution is a living document and its meaning should change with the times. I can't tell you how many times I've heard this and the direct correlation to the number of times I've wanted to punch someone right in the mouth. Just FYI the professor was a British fellow. Nice guy, kind of awkward but well studied on case law, precedent, etc.

 For example, I was super ready to argue when it came to the II Amendment as I knew it would get some attention. It did. 

We talked about the times and historical context of the Revolution. NO problem with any of that. When we spoke of the wording of the II Amendment, many of the libtards (Thanks to Mr. Boortz for the phrase) talked about the militia as a whole and the stupid comma in the wording and blah blah blah. So I raised my hand, waited to be called upon and said:  

Can any of you tell me what the Militia was? - No response, blank stares.

OK. Can any of you of you tell me who comprised the Militia? - Umm, Uhh, No real response either.

So I educated them. It didn't do much good I suppose but it needed to be said, so I said it. 

The Militia is made up of first responders - CITIZENS - not LE or the Feds. Tangent: LE/FF/EMTs are not first responders. I do not care what they say about being "quiet professionals" and all that crap. You and I are the first responders because we will ALWAYS be first on the scene. So get the training to be an asset to society. That means Firearms and Medical training. Will it be expensive? Absolutely. What value do you place on a life? This is the ultimate self-reliance. You do not need to wait on government to come and save you. 

 The Militia is the citizenry. So, in that context, the citizen-soldier concept is a good one. When The British were marching on Lexington and Concord, it was Capt. John Parker who rallied the militia and told his men these famous words : “Stand your ground; don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.” The militia was protecting the materials they had stashed. You see, the colonists were preppers too! They knew one day the British would have enough of this red-headed step-child we now call the United States. So they prepared. And eventually won independence.

The Militia is the citizens. It is comprised of private citizens willing to give all in defense of not just their own interests, but the interests of his neighbor; the mutual interest of liberty and freedom. It really is that simple. 

The II Amendment was never intended to protect firearms for hunting. Never. It was designed solely to allow the militia (i.e. citizens) to obtain and utilize firearms in the defense of the Republic from all enemies foreign and domestic.  If that means a Red Dawn style defense, so be it. If it means a reclaiming of our government by force if necessary, so be it. 

After all, we were given permission by the Framers:
 "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

- John Langdon, Patriot. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Why Train?

Because you have to. Those who panic die first.

I have a background in traditional Okinawan Karate.That background has shifted into a whole new training system. After a rough divorce with the organization we had been apart of for 15+ years, we have embraced something we call Combatives. It is a style that incorporates the traditional martial arts, Filipino stick fighting and Krav Maga (the real Israeli stuff, the head of the style is literally Israeli). Couple this with growing up around firearms and shooting from a young age and you have what I call "skills". It's a complex word I use to describe tools I use for self-protection. I don't like using the term self-defense because it implies being reactionary to an offense. I like to use the term self-protection because it necessitates an understanding of the predator-prey relationship. What is the difference between predator and prey? Prey doesn't know it's prey until it's too late. I like to teach people to be proactive, not reactive. Observe those around you, profile for all I care, as long as you stay safe and alive, you win.

I took a CQB handgun course from an instructor named Todd Rassa. He was an outstanding instructor. It wasn't necessarily the shooting aspect that taught me important things but it was the mental preparation aspects that got me. He had something he called the OODA Loop. It is broken down as such:

1. Observe - in this stage of the loop you observing -go figure - scanning for possible threats while staying relaxed but alert. In this stage you know where exits are in restaurants, lanes of traffic, etc. You know how to get out, basically, should the need arise.

2. Orient - if a threat is found, orient yourself to that threat. Know where it is, the likely avenue he will attack you. Find a way to put distance between you and the threat.

3. Decide - at this stage you have done #1 and #2, not those #1 & #2, and you have decided what your course of action will be.

4. Act - by now, the threat could be real. You have decided to act on the above three parts of the loop. You have either put enough distance between yourself and the threat that you no longer feel in danger, or you have engaged the threat and eliminated him.

Example: (true story) A friend of mine and his wife were at a local fair in a bad part of town, at night. It was around midnight as they left the fair to find their car and go home. My friend noticed as they were walking to their car in the relatively deserted parking lot a group of men following them. While the group stopped, two broke off and followed them further. My friend who is a very large man (6'6" 350lbs) had noticed them and went through the OODA loop. He told his wife to get in the car and lock the doors. He then bowed up and walked quickly towards the two young men. He yelled at them saying "What the heck do you want?!" Startled at this large man's aggressiveness towards them they immediately stopped and said "We just wanted to know what time it was!" He told them to leave and the only thing they needed to know was to get lost.

The OODA Loop can save your life and the lives of those who may want to cause you harm. If your OODA loop is going and you did like the above, your action will reset the threat's OODA loop causing them to lose the element of surprise and forcing them to either retreat or fight. Once they know you expect them, they may run thus saving their life.

But in that moment you act toward whomever has presented themselves a threat; i.e someone threatening you with a weapon like a knife or gun or bursting into your home in the middle of the night, you must act quickly and deliberately. "If you're going to do something, do it mean." - Todd Rassa

Training is good. Realistic training is great.  Mental preparedness is even better. Understand that everyday you leave your house someone could think of you as prey. Don't be a victim.

 If you carry a firearm for self-protection, are you an asset or liability to society? If you cannot answer that question, you need to train more. You never rise to the occasion, you sink the level of your training. Train well, train to win. Train yourself to think above all.

- John Langdon, Patriot.

Why "Refreshing the Tree"?

As my fellow Founder Thomas Jefferson said:

"The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independant 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure. Our Convention has been too much impressed by the insurrection of Massachusets: and in the spur of the moment they are setting up a kite to keep the hen yard in order. I hope in god this article will be rectified before the new constitution is accepted." 

Why would Jefferson say this?  Are there parallels to the current state of the union, ?

The solution for our Nation may simply be what Jefferson recommended above. This blog will seek to be a discussion of the ways liberty and exceptionalism can be restored to a once great land. This blog does not seek civil unrest or anarchy. What this blog does advocate is the survival of the Republic, at all costs. You, the reader, must decide what your limits in the fight for liberty are. Will you be the sunshine patriot and the summer soldier? Or will you, when you've already lost everything, give even more in the struggle for the restoration of the liberty for all? If you are not ready to do that, fine. Seek training, read some history, maybe even grow a pair. You have to understand one simple concept; you are either part of the problem, or part of the solution. You see, many of us "tea-bagging extremists" as we are affectionately know by the media, have already drawn the proverbial line in the sand. And while are lines may be different than others, most of us have drawn it. For some, it is simply not voting Republican or Democrat again - it is voting for the man or woman of virtue, wisdom and principal. For others, the line is perhaps more ready for the eventual collapse of the Nation and the transformation into a complete and total Police/Surveillance State. And for the latter line in the sand, those of us who see or prepare for these events, have made sure in our mind what we are willing to do and not to do. 

For the NSA reading this as I type, go pound sand.

For the Patriots who may stumble across this in their spare time in between prepping, training, praying, worshiping, leading a family, teaching a family - thank you. I seek to offer a voice from the younger generation of patriots. I am in my early 20s and a recent college graduate. I am unapologetic for my faith. I will not be intimidated by government thugs and I will not back down from them. I have a desire to train with you in the Patriot community, to learn from you, to discuss, and who knows maybe even meet some of you in the future. 

This blog may, at times, simply be a way for me to list the grievances of this government. And it may be a blog for me to relay some information I may have that perhaps you do not. I seek to grow and learn with you all as we head towards the future of restoration, of refreshing the tree. 

- John Langdon, Patriot.