Thursday, February 27, 2014

Gweru Airport - MVT

Max has a new thing he is running through his blog. It gives the readers a scenario and he then asks us to create a solution or plan of action. His original post can be read here.

I decided to give it a go. Having no military experience whatsoever, this is what I came up with:

Here are my thoughts. Perhaps I’ve seen too many war movies but I thought a lower profile infiltration team might be a little better than busting thru the gates guns blazing.
8 teams total. 28 Men total
Team #1               4 men, 2 IEDs each

Team #2               4 men – security/support

Team #3               3 men – Mortar Team – 5 rounds HE, target: Barracks

Team #4               3 men – Mortar Team – 5 rounds HE, 1 round WP, Primary: Admin,
secondary: fuel tanks

Team #5 and #6 – (2) 2 man teams QRF/Exfil- 4 total

Land Rover Teams (Driver, Gunner w/ DSHK)
Space for 5 additional personnel each

Team #7 and #8 QRF/Exfil teams – (2) 5 man teams – 10 total

Land Rover Teams (Driver, Rear Gunner w/ DSHK, 5 in back with AK47s
Space for 2 additional personnel each

Attack – Set for 0200

Team #1 will infiltrate on foot at 0200 from the northwest thru tree line then locate aircraft, place explosives and exfil on foot to pick-up location. Team #2 will provide rear security and support for Team #1, both teams wait at pick-up point, charges are then blown – Team #1 and #2 wait for pick-up at tree line. This will signal the motor teams #3 & 4to fire their HE rounds targeting enemy barracks and admin buildings and the WP round on fuel tanks. Once rounds are complete, Team #3 and 4 will exfil on foot.

QRF/Exfil Teams #5 and #6 will pick up Team #1 and #2 at rally point as mortar attack begins and proceed to secondary pick-up location for teams #3 & #4. After mortar rounds are complete and fuel tanks have been destroyed/ignited by WP round, Team #3 & #4 will exfil on foot to secondary pick-up location off map. Team #7 and #8 QRF/Exfil teams will pick-up mortar teams while en route to FreeFor base.

 Let me know what you think.

You can see the other readers' solutions at his site or by clicking below.

FormerSapper's Solution

Bob E's Solution

PJK's Solution

Give each of these a look. I drew from some of the other solutions.


Freedom has no compromise. By definition it is absolute.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Things to take away from the uprising in Kiev

Here is a great article on the medieval tactics used by police and protestors.

h/t to WRSA for this.

The Medieval—and Highly Effective—Tactics of the Ukrainian Protests


Freedom has no compromise. By definition it is absolute.

An Open Letter to the Men and Women of the Connecticut State Police: You are NOT the enemy (UNLESS YOU CHOOSE TO BE.)

Thanks to SSI for this great post.

If you haven't been following the developments in Connecticut, you should. This may be the flash point for the Nation.

Head over and read it here.

Freedom has no compromise. By definition it is absolute.

Monday, February 17, 2014

New Course Offerings from Max Velocity

Check this out: Mobility/Tactical Convoy Operations is a new course offered by Max Velocity.

Go here to read more. 

This course can prove vital to the survival of your group in a SHTF situation. As long as vehicles are operational, you might as well know how to operate and patrol with them.

"Max Velocity Tactical offers mobility/convoy operations classes. This is not an open enrollment scheduled class. It will be conducted as private training. Requirements will be discussed with the client in order to formulate a curriculum based on needs, location, and the facilities available. A standard class length would be two days, depending on location and requirements."


Freedom has no compromise. By definition it is absolute.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

UW Gear

Thanks to Max's post, I found these guys; UW Gear Inc.

Believe it or not, they are literally around the corner making what looks like great quality gear.

Give them a look, support them if you so choose.


“Nevertheless, to the persecution and tyranny of his cruel ministry we will not tamely submit -- appealing to Heaven for the justice of our cause, we determine to die or be free.”

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Soft Tyranny

H/T to WRSA for this. Watch the video, read the article.

If this isn't a case of tyranny on display, I don't know what is. "Because they could" is the only statement that applies here. Isn't it time we changed that mentality?


“Nevertheless, to the persecution and tyranny of his cruel ministry we will not tamely submit -- appealing to Heaven for the justice of our cause, we determine to die or be free.”